Anywherehost offers its subscribers a "45-Day Money Back Guarantee.” This guarantee allows the subscriber to purchase Anywherehost’s services with full confidence and zero-risk. The subscriber may request a full refund within 45 days of their initial sign-up and be refunded all fees paid to-date, including setup fees, minus any additional over-usage and free or purchased domain registration costs (cost of free domain registrations are calculated at the regular cost of the domain registrations). Terminated accounts are not eligible for this guarantee if the termination occurred as a result of a violation of our Terms of Service.
This guarantee may be requested at anytime within the 45 days of the commencement of service if subscriber is not satisfied with Anywherehost’s services. If the 45-day service of the subscription has been exceeded, subscriber is not eligible for this guarantee. A request for this guarantee must be submitted via Anywherehost’s Refund Request form. If requesting a refund, we ask that the subscriber briefly explain the reasons for doing so, as well as any suggestions on how Anywherehost may improve service. |
Anywherehost offers its subscribers an "Anytime Money Back Guarantee.” This guarantee allows the subscriber to purchase Anywherehost’s services with full confidence and zero-risk. The subscriber may request a full refund at any time during their hosting term and be refunded all fees paid to-date, including setup fees, minus any additional over-usage and free or purchased domain registration costs (cost of free domain registrations are calculated at the regular cost of the domain registrations). Terminated accounts are not eligible for this guarantee if the termination occurred as a result of a violation of our Terms of Service.
This guarantee may be requested at anytime if the subscriber is not satisfied with Anywherehost’s services. A request for this guarantee must be submitted via Anywherehost’s Refund Request form. If requesting a refund, we ask that the subscriber briefly explain the reasons for doing so, as well as any suggestions on how Anywherehost may improve service. |
Anywherehost guarantees that your web site will be up and running at least 99.9% of the time during any 12-month period. This guarantee includes network uptime, server uptime, web server and service uptime. It does not cover any areas where Anywherehost has no direct influence, such as backbone provider failures, fiber-optic main line cuts, DNS or Registrar issues with subscriber’s domain name, routing issues between subscriber location and Anywherehost data center. The uptime guarantee is also not applicable if the service interruption was caused by external issues such as Acts of God, wars or any other natural or unnatural events that Anywherehost has no direct control over.
This guarantee may be requested at anytime if the subscriber feels that our uptime has dropped below 99.9%. A request for this guarantee must be submitted via Anywherehost’s Refund Request form. If requesting a refund, we require that the subscriber attach ping results, traceroute results and any other tangible evidence of an uptime failure. Please note that we cannot accept uptime statistics provided by advertising and review sites that promote their advertising clients over actual measured results. |
We know that moving your web site may seem like a lot of work, especially if someone else has done the work for you and is now unable to assist you. To make your transition to our servers more convenient our administrators will schedule a site move for you. We will do everything possible to make the transition as easy as we can for you.